The Most Current and Relevant VA News and Whistleblower Platform

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02/06/25 - Democrats Scramble to hide their Guilt Behand Audit of The Department of Veterans’ Affairs

02/05/25 - New VA Secretary appointed, meet Secretary Collins, Impressive Resume

1/27/25 - The Honorable President Trump fires failed-VA inspector general, Michael Missal, in purge of all federal inspectors general

11/26/24 - -U.S. Department Of Veterans Affairs’ Employee Charged With Unlawfully Accessing Veteran Health Information

4/23/24 - VAMC Loma Linda Faces Staffing Issues

1/20/21 - Discredited Agent Orange denier Thomas J Murphy returns to lead the Veterans Benefits Administration as Alleged Illegitimate President biden attempts to un-fix the Department

1/20/21 - Alleged illegitimate President biden appoints a Non-Veteran to the top spot in the Department of Veterans Affairs

11/27/2020 - President Donald J Trump fixed the Department of Veterans Affairs

11/26/20 - Illinois Governor Mismanages assisted-living Facility, 27 Veterans Die in COVID-19 Outbreak while forced to stay indoors

11/21/2020 - The Swamp attempts to corrupt another Honorable Veteran, James Byrne. Fired for not practicing illegal Deep-State Practices

10/12/20 - Lawsuit accuses Veterans Affairs of failing to tell eligible Veterans about benefits

08/20/20 - VA Employee crime-ring Busted

08/20/20 - Another Deep-State abuse of power against an Honorable Triple-Amputee Veteran. America will Unite! They tossed the American Hero in jail to show-off their ill-gotten political “power”.

07/23/20 - Democratic policymakers and VA Employees Falsely exaggerate the China (Corona) Virus to hide, hinder and delay Official Investigation by the Office of the Inspector General

07/22/20 - Veterans Benefits Administration Quality Review Supervisors Fail and increase errors in Veteran claims processing.

07/15/20 - Multiple Deaths in the Clarksburg VAMC Genocide remain unaccounted for, VA Employee admits to only half.

07/15/20 - VA Selective Executive Service Approved Dog Experimentation without permission from… Anyone?

07/14/20 - Senate to intervene as the VA Union-Protected Deep-State/ antifuh blindly continues “Business as Usual” Mentality; while corruption floods the department behind the Scenes

07/08/20 - Another SES Employee of the Department of Veterans’ Affairs is found Guilty for Major Felony-Level Charges. How Many more of our Selective Executive Service Employees are this corrupt and how many are left hiding in that ol’ swamp??

06/29/20 - The deep-state is not very Deep, in-fact, they are Exposed. President Donald John Trump is the first US President to Demand Accountability for our Nations Veterans from the VA

06/23/20 - Veterans from across the World ask, ”Is Donald ‘Honest Don’ Trump the only politician not in bed with antifuh?”

06/19/20 -   Department of Veterans Affairs Employee accused of Money Laundering; Charged With Stealing Ventilators, Selling them on EBay

06/18/20 - President Trump appoints Brenda M. Saiz, of New Mexico, to be United States District Judge for the District of New Mexico… Congratulations Your Honor; Please do Our state Proud!

06/16/20 - Department of Veterans Refuses to provide the public with records which could be damning to the agency

06/03/20 - Leftist lawmakers attempt to change the Mission of the Department of Veterans’ Affairs in-order-to avoid accountability from disregarding it over the last 20 years (at least).

06/01/20 - antifuh and Black Lives Matter join the, coordinated, attack on our Veterans in time for election season.

05/28/20 - Debbie Wassermann-Schultz (Corrupt) demands to control the healthcare decisions for our Veterans in a Cheap Power-grab in desperate times for Left-Wing House democrats. 

05/26/20 - Debbie Wassermann-Schultz (Corrupt) uses our Nations Veterans’ Affairs Department as a political tool… Please refer to the stories below…

05/14/20 - Former Veterans Affairs Doctor Indicted on Multiple Civil Rights Charges

05/12/20 - Secretary Wilkie continues to Stand-up for the American Veteran; Against, questionably corrupt, House obstructionists

05/07/20 - Secretary Wilkie calls-out Democratic Politicians: “They're 'looking for a scapegoat' for deaths in state-run facilities”

05/06/20 - Nancy Pelosi, Michelle Lujan-Grisham and the House Left-Wing are, contempt, Endangering US Veterans'

05/01/20 - Veteran Trust in the VA Health Care System above 90 percent for the first time

04/29/20 - Milwaukie Veterans’ Affairs Medical Center Leadership, falsely, reports Quality and Production numbers through Data Manipulation… this pattern is a Pandemic, National Department of Veterans Audit and Investigation?

04/27/20 - In Trump, Veterans have a friend they can count on


04/21/20 - Thank you Marc Cagen (Manatee Memorial Hospital).  You, Sir, are a Hero.

04/20/20 - Democratic lawmakers and Deep-State Cronies continue to politicize the Wuhan Corona Virus and, now, use Veterans’ for their own leveraging tool

04/16/20 - Another SES Employee canned. New #2 at the Department of Veterans’ Affairs

04/09/20 - James Carrol Sanders (Jimbob) - (witness/ whistleblower harassment)

04/02/20 - Another West Virginia VA Health Care System Employee Vetting Fail: Veterans Affairs doctor accused of degusting allegations against Veterans

03/23/20 - Deficient Staffing and Competencies in Sterile Processing Services at the VA Black Hills Healthcare System, Fort Meade Campus, South Dakota

2/4/20 - Concern Regarding a Patient Death and Alleged Conflicts of Interest at the VA Western Colorado Health Care System, Grand Junction

01/01/20 - The entire Department of Veterans Affairs is being held accountable under President “Honest Don” Trump. Thank you for Granting Benefits to our Blue-Water Vietnam Veterans. Thank you, Secretary Willkie, for the previously unseen Leadership of the Department.

12/15/19 - Amanda Yvette Jaramillo (Corrupt beaurocrat who orchestrated scheme to Falsly Boost Office Production numbers at the expense of ,wrongfully, taking benefits from Multiple Veterans’)…

12/15/19 - William “little Billy” Bridges…

12/15/19 - Shawn aka Red Fields (Pretend Mason)…

12/14/19 - “New audit details major issues at the Department of Veterans Affairs

11/11/19 - David aka Christopher Norton…

11/11/19 - Sammie Quillin (Corrupt VA Beaurocrat)

11/11/19 - Willie Clark (Corrupt VA Beaurocrat)

11/11/19 - Thomas Murphy(Corrupt VA Beaurocrat)

 11/5/19 - “The VA Office Created to Protect Whistleblowers Is a Sham...

11/4/19 - VA is bringing digital automation to replace corrupt VA Employees?

10/30/19 - Department of Veterans Affairs Overspent $602 Million on Federal Supply Schedule Pharmaceutical Contracts 2016-2018

10/30/19 - "Lawmakers have ‘no confidence’ in VA’s whistleblower protection office"

10/29/19 - Assistant Secretary Tammy Bonzanto, of the VA’s whistleblower protection office shown little confidence during House testimony.

10/28/19 - J. David Cox Sr., president of the American Federation of Government Employees (AFGE) Employee Union, is allowed to take leave during federal investigations into Disgusting allegations against him.

10/28/19 - Federal Employee Union (AFGE) apparently being held accountable?

10/24/19 - VA Office for Accountability and Whistleblower Protection (VAOawP): Fail!

10/21/19 - The deaths from the second half of 2017 through July 2018, at Clarksburg VA Medical Center, initially found to be of natural causes, are now being investigated as Homicides.

10/20/19 - Oversight: Cutting The Unaccountable Department of Veterans Affairs budget may wake them up

10/18/19 - Veterans Personal Info Mishandled by the department of Veterans’ affairs

10/18/19 - In a Typical VA Bureaucratic move, Discredited VA Secretary Shulkin attempts to blame his ignorance of Lincoln’s Promise elsewhere

10/17/19 - Department of Veterans Affairs Hired an Unqualified Medical Assistant who conducted the West Virginia VA Medical Center Veteran Genocide of at least 11 Veterans

10/15/19 - VA SES has not updated its succession planning directive since 2003, Ignored Legal Requirements and Directives to be added to the plan for the last 16 YEARS

10/14/19 - GAO Recommends Executive Action to Replace The Department of Veterans' Affairs Senior Executive Staff (SES)

10/14/19 - Even with corrupt reporting practices, OPM estimates VA Employees spent about 1.1 million hours on (afge) "union matters" rather than serving Veterans.

10/11/19 - Full Blown Senate Investigation Required? The Department of Veterans' Affairs not cooperating in Veteran Genocide investigation of The Clarksburg VA Medical Center

10/11/19 - Nancy Pelosi pushed legislation that hiked Veterans’ mortgage fees by more than half a billion dollars over the next 10 years for punishment for Veteran Support for Trump?

10/10/19 - Ex-Marine sues 3M for selling defective earplugs to military

10/10/19 - United States Govt. Accountability Office finds severe hiring flaws and issues of unaccountability within multiple Veterans’ Affairs Medical Centers

10/7/19 - Department of Veterans Affairs Medical Centers failed to perform opioid checks prior to prescription to Veterans

10/5/19 - Possibly Twelve Veterans Murdered by a VA Employee: Inside the Veteran Genocide at the West Virginia VAMC

10/5/19 - Democrats on the House Veterans’ Affairs Committee are Allowing The Department of Veterans Affairs to Remain Hijacked by the Senior Executive Service

10/4/19 - Department of Veterans Affairs and Department of Defense Fail to Ensure that Military and Veterans’ information is monitored and protected

10/1/19 - The department of Veterans’ affairs will, Really, Share Veteran Personal Medical Info Without Permission

9/27/19 - A Respectful and Appreciative Presidential Proclamation on Gold Star Mother’s and Family’s Day, 2019

9/26/19 - An Introduction: The Clarksburg VA Medical Center Veteran Genocide Employee

9/26/19 - Arkansas VA Medical Center loses Veteran

9/26/19 - New Mission Act IT System Neglected by the Department of Veterans Affairs.

9/26/19 - House Demands “No Veteran, family member caregiver, VA employee or contractor should be the victim of sexual assault or harassment at a VA facility ever” To the Department of Veterans’ Affairs (almost quack)

9/25/19 - Again with the wait-time scandal… Hello? (Quack reporter Alert)

9/25/19 - Department of Veterans’ affairs Employee pleads Guilty to taking Bribes (16 counts)

9/25/19 - VA hospital worker offered to sell the personal data of (Veterans, their dependents and employees) for $100,000, pleads guilty.

9/23/19 - From April 1, 2017, through March 31, 2018, VA Clinicians did not check databases for 567,000 of the 779,000 VA patients (73 percent) prescribed opioids

9/23/19 - VA Employees allowed to perform procedures on Veterans with improper training and unsterile intrusive procedural tools at the Albuquerque VA Medical Center

9/23/19 - 6,000 Veterans have committed suicide each year for a decade, VA finds, Each is a Cry to the VA for Help Hidden from the Public

9/23/19 - Veteran exposed to contaminated water at Camp Lejeune suffers skin lesions, loses legs and teeth

9/21/19 - Accountability is Catching up with the Alabama VAMC Exclusive: VA Mission Act Works? Why is Willie Clark, A Jaramillo and the SES still employed?

9/21/19 - Clarksburg, West Virginia, VAMC Veteran Genocide… drip… drip… drip???!!

9/20/19 - The VA’s Whistleblower Protection Unit Instead Created A ‘Hit List’ Of Whistleblowers

9/20/19 - Veterans Affairs 'Should be Begging' for Oversight, Lawmakers Say as They Fight Congressional Office Evictions

9/20/19 - Boston VA Regional Office Supervisor Erroneously Canceled A Majority of Veterans’ Disability Claims, Investigation Reveals

9/20/19 - Fourth patient named in Clarksburg VAMC Veteran Genocide

9/19/19 - Quality of Care Deficiencies, “not ruled out,” The OIG determined, Concluding on Veteran Death at Philadelphia VAMC

9/19/19 - Philadelphia VA Employees Attempt to Cover-up Neglect Leading to the Death of A Veteran

9/19/19 - VA Employee and AFGE Union representative Sentenced for Embezzling Union dues.

9/18/19 - VA Employee Charged for Stealing Morphine from Dying Veterans

9/17/19 - Why did the Department of Veterans Affairs Ignore opioid prescriptions by 77% Between 2004-2012?  Meanwhile, Veterans Face an Overdose Rate Twice that of Civilians? New Report!

9/17/19 - Atlanta VA Employees responsible for the Torture of An African-American Vietnam Veteran on His Deathbed Get off Unpunished and Unaccountable.

9/17/19 - Top conservative presses VA on allegations of retaliation against employees protecting whistleblowers… This is a Clusterfudge!!!!!

9/17/19 - Department of Veterans Affairs Contracting Officers (Eastern Region) did not obtain required approval before awarding 10 contracts worth about $ 22.7 million in unjustified Spending.

9/16/19 - How the, Deeply Troubled, Veterans Affairs failed to stop a VA Employee who misdiagnosed 3,000 cases, And what ELSE isn’t being addressed at the Department?

9/15/19 - (Video) Former Committee for Department of Veterans’ Affairs Member and Presidential candidate shushes Veteran seeking care

9/14/19 - The Department of Veterans’ Affairs SES and it’s Employee’s Union (AFGE) Attempt Power-grab to Oust Congressional Oversite from all VA Medical Facilities

9/13/19 - Atlanta VAMC allows for Torture of an African-American ,Vietnam Veteran on his Death-bed. President Trump and VA Secretary Robert Wilkey have been Notified

9/12/19 - Important! Department of Veterans' Affairs Office of The Inspector General (Michael Missal) Uncovers Secret spying ring targeting Veterans/ Internal Employees

9/12/19 - The Department of Veterans Affairs looses focus on Mission. Billions must be reimbursed to US Veterans who sought Care

9/11/19 - Veteran spends 5 years overturning an ‘error of complacency’ within the Department of Veterans Affairs, Veteran’s Benefits Administration

9/11/19 - Another Department of Veterans Affairs Staff Member Charged in the Deaths of Veterans seeking help

9/11/19 - Unclear if VA Union (AFGE) Leader and Employee is Still Employed by the Department of Veterans Affairs following Charges of Embezzlement.

9/11/19 - Department of Veterans Affairs “Loses” WW2 Era Veteran

9/10/19 - Lawmaker blasts VA for 'second chance' given to VA doctor found drunk on the job

9/10/19 - A Federal probe into Clarksburg VAMC Genocide is expanding?

9/9/19 - Congress has only three weeks to avert another government shutdown

9/9/19 - Omaha VA Employee sentenced for viewing coworkers’ VA Medical Records

9/6/19 - The Veteran Suicide Crises and it’s History

9/6/19 - Whistleblower says lab delays could've hurt patients at Memphis VA Medical Center

9/6/19 - Another flawed VA Investigation into former VA surgeon prompts federal review

4/16/19 - Trump’s Envisioned Department of Veterans Affairs ‘Office Of Accountability and Whistleblower Protection’ Possibly leading, multiple, retaliatory efforts Against Whistleblowers?

7/22/19 - How Michelle Lujan Grisham and Nancy Pelosi mis-reported whistleblower complaints and Covered for a Corrupt VBA Albuquerque VA Regional Office (on 500 Gold Ave)

10/11/17 - Albuquerque VA Regional Office on 500 Gold Ave Invents a scheme to Illegally Boost its Production Numbers at The Hardship of Thousands of Veterans: Total Loss $100,000,000 per year

? - Yvette Powell


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